Tuesday, March 27, 2012

In the Clothes Closet

I realized again today that I've become rather closed. Not that I won't talk if people ask or whatever, but I've set myself up so that I don't really confide in people much. Every once in while when the strain's too much I find one of the people I trust and spill...but I don't have people involved in my life on a regular basis. I mean, I kinda do, but...I'm not really open with them. I've been closed for a few years now...I don't like it, but I'm not sure what to do about it. People know me, but only so much. Only as much as I want them to...and a bit more sometimes. Those who've known me for a while know me better than I might think I let them, but those have become increasingly few over the years...I'm not sure where to go with that, but I don't like it...

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