Monday, November 18, 2013

...and back again. A Johnathan's tale.

I kinda wish I'd keep this blog up regularly. I do a lot better on here than I do in a journal. more experience I guess...

SO, update...."let me explain, no, that will take to long, let me sum up"

God has been doing crazy things in the last month. I don't even know exactly what's going on. I quit smoking, sexual sin basically vanished, I'm moved to tears on a rather frequent basis, I started a prayer breakfast (which is not something I do)...I say that I've done these things, but in reality, God has done these things. There's no way in hell that I'd have been able to do these things...

God has shown himself in answered prayer. I'd have horrific images running through my brain, have someone pray for me, and they'd just go away. We prayed for healing and God started healing that afternoon...craziness.

I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but ah well. I'm more documenting for future me anyway.

So now. I'm sharing my story with my small group this weekend. I feel at a loss. I feel kinda like saying "here's a link, go read this blog and come back with questions." But that won't work...

And the thing is, it's so easy for me to make my story about me. But it's really not. It's about God. How he's showing his beauty in my life. The working title is "Beauty from Pain, or The Boy With the Smiley Face Tatoo". I pray for two things.

1) That my story will be about God, and not about me.


2) That I will be able to emotionally engage in my story as opposed to just relaying information.

So, yeah. I hope to be back on here more regularly. I've missed having a place to process in writing. To document what God's been doing so I can remember... the beginning of the year, at the young adult retreat, I felt like the kid in "The Incredibles" who is asked what he's waiting for. He replies with "I don't know, something AMAzing...I guess..." well, I feel that, to an extent at least, that "something amazing" is going down...It's a new thing, but per usual, it's a good thing.